“This healing work invites you into presence, self-love & compassion, nourishing body, mind and soul.” –  Tanmaya

When you feel stressed and low on energy, a Reiki treatment can enhance your wellbeing. After a full-body treatment you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated – calm in body, and clear in mind.

REIKI is a safe, age-old Japanese healing technique that can be applied to – and practiced by – just about everyone. The treatment is based on the philosophy of an invisible ‘Universal Life Energy’ (REI-KI) that flows through all of us, and which can be transferred using your hands.

We are all born full of this energy, but it is slowly consumed by the pressures of day-to-day life. And when people have no idea of its existence – or how to replenish it – the energy can reach very low levels, which can lead to problems, both emotional and physical.

REIKI – which transfers a fresh supplement of new energy – can make a very real difference. And in a world that is exciting, but which also increasingly pressures us to perform in so many ways, the ability to tap into such energy can make all the difference between simply ‘existing’ or truly ‘living’.

” Monique has been very dedicated in following the Reiki training modules. She completed the Master-Teacher degree in December 2017 and is ready for her next step in life. I wish Monique well in her new venture with Reiki and look forward to working with her. ” – Tanmaya Honervogt

Tanmaya is a best-selling author and one of the pioneers of Reiki in western culture. She shares her vision of a better world through her work as a spiritual teacher, Reiki-Master, healer and author.

Tanmaya Healing