” A great brand unites product and company; when you top this off with emotion and a real experience, you are definitely in business! “

McDonalds, Rituals, Cartier … A ‘brand’ is something that everyone intuitively responds to – positively or negatively – in one way or another. But very few people completely comprehend what a brand ‘is’ – to say nothing about how to create one.

‘Branding’ is a challenge that goes far beyond developing a product that people will (hopefully) want and putting it on the market. What makes the difference is the addition of emotion and storytelling, which can enhance the perception and desirability of the product exponentially. A successful brand is a holistic ‘experience’ – much more than simply the sum of its parts.

The value of any given organization is increasingly determined by the value of its brand. This requires a long-term vision regarding exploitation of the brand which, in turn, makes the brand a strategic instrument for achieving – and maintaining – long-term competitive advantage.

” For a brand to be successful, it needs to engage the mind as well as the heart ”

“ I helped advise Monique for seven years as she created not only a successful new residential real estate brand worldwide, but a whole new marketing category. Her 24/7 dedication and sharp insights into putting theory into practice made this an easy and enjoyable process. I wish her well in this new venture. ”

Roland van Kralingen – vKralingen Company, Founding Partner